Sunday, October 10, 2010

Last Day of Balloon Fiesta

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today was the last day of the Fiesta. Very sad for us! Not only were the Balloons gone for a whole year, but we had to say goodbye to Michelle, Paul and Janeyl. We had such a wonderful visit, and are so glad to have spent the time with them. They are wonderful people and made us feel so welcomed.

Yesterday, all four of our balloons flew. We were a part of  The Scarecrow, The Farm Chicken, The Haunted House and Sponge Bob crews. Sponge Bob was the biggest crowd pleaser. The kids went wild when he rose. Everytime he rose. Some people on our crew would stand in the back of the pick up truck and sing the Sponge Bob song. I'm not sure of all the words but they had the crowd screaming - Sponge Bob - Square pants!!! Sponge Bob - Square pants!!! The crew would yell something like; who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGE BOB - SQUARE PANTS!!! Absorbent and yellow and porous is he? SPONGE BOB - SQUARE PANTS!!! It was so funny and so cute! Even the grown ups were singing! Next year they are hoping to have Patrick complete to fly with him. (Patrick is Sponge Bob's friend who is a starfish). What a blast that will be!

I followed the Haunted House for the chase yesterday and Tommy Sponge Bob. They both landed in a field within our RV park, which was really cool and very convenient for us when they were packed up and ready to go home for the day. We were already home. We said goodbye to our teams because they are from Brazil (most of them), and they were not participating in Saturday night's glow or Sunday mornings mass ascension. They thanked us - in Portuguese, and we thanked them, in English. It was one of the best  experiences we have ever had. And cannot wait to come back next year!

After the crew left the RV park Tommy and I went for breakfast. We wanted a Denny's or IHop. Something simple, quick, good and hot! We drove almost 20 miles, probably in circles, trying to find a place. Finally we ended up at a Shoney's. Its an all you can eat breakfast buffet, and was really good. We ended up being near the flea market so of course we went. And yes, Tommy made some purchases.

Once back to the temporary housing unit we both napped for over 3 hrs. But before we entered inside we saw this package stuffed in our handle of the door. My crew, mainly Marilyn, Ozzy, Chad, Liz and Mary wanted me to have a tee shirt with the Farm Chicken on it. (So next year I would look just like all of them).

Because the balloons landed in our RV park they had an idea of where  our RV might be. There are between 1300 and 1500 RV's in this park. Its huge!!! They all sat around and took little pieces of what I had talked about during the week and found us! Incredible! They knew we had the razor because we would drive it to the field and they knew we had FL license plates on the RV and a big dog. They also knew that we were in the part of the park that had full hookup.

I cannot believe they came back and left me a note and a shirt. I was so touched. Such great, great people!

Last night we had dinner with our crew and it was so great! When you cannot speak their language and they cannot speak yours, you tend to 'salute' alot! Which ultimately means you drink a lot. There were 27 of us and the Brazilians picked up the bill. What a great time.

This morning we were all bundled up, (its in the 40's in the mornings here), and ready to hop on the razor and drive over to the field but when we walked outside we saw some balloons landing - again - in our field. We walked over there and one after the other were coming down. The wind was not right and it was the safest place to land. It gave us the opportunity to take great pictures and to see how much the public loves to help assist in the landings. They can be very hard and bouncy and with out the extra weight of people hanging on the gondola it will just continue to bounce up and down on the hard ground.

Around 9am all was said and done and we once again headed out for breakfast. But today, we were told of a place about 2 miles away. It is called Weck's. Awesome food. The portions are tremendous. One plate can feed 4 people, no kidding.

After breakfast we hit the road and are now set up for the night in Socorro, NM. We are on our way to San Antonio, TX. Tomorrow we will drive to Roswell, NM and look for I don't blog in the next couple of days, please call the FBI to investigate. lol

Have a good week, and thanks for reading!

More Albuquerque Balloons

Friday, October 8, 2010

This morning the alarm did not go off until 5am. We got to sleep in. Janeyl slept over here last night so we dragged her along with us this morning.
The crowd was the biggest so far. The weather was beautiful. But according to the officials, it was not. There was a potential storm that could have blown in at any moment. They launched the colors and then announced there will not be any flying today. The winds were to erratic. Everyone was to blow up their balloons and only the 'regular' shapes could launch, at the pilots discretion. All the 'special' shapes were not to leave the ground.

My team decided to blow up Sponge Bob only. After he was done, Tommy, I, and Janeyl walked around like spectators and snapped a ton of pictures.

Tonight they are going to try the 'glow' again. Last night it was canceled because of wind. Hopefully it will be still tonight. If so, I will post more pictures. In the meantime, enjoy these...we did!

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.