Sunday, October 10, 2010

More Albuquerque Balloons

Friday, October 8, 2010

This morning the alarm did not go off until 5am. We got to sleep in. Janeyl slept over here last night so we dragged her along with us this morning.
The crowd was the biggest so far. The weather was beautiful. But according to the officials, it was not. There was a potential storm that could have blown in at any moment. They launched the colors and then announced there will not be any flying today. The winds were to erratic. Everyone was to blow up their balloons and only the 'regular' shapes could launch, at the pilots discretion. All the 'special' shapes were not to leave the ground.

My team decided to blow up Sponge Bob only. After he was done, Tommy, I, and Janeyl walked around like spectators and snapped a ton of pictures.

Tonight they are going to try the 'glow' again. Last night it was canceled because of wind. Hopefully it will be still tonight. If so, I will post more pictures. In the meantime, enjoy these...we did!

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.

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