Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ft Jackson, SC

Wednesday, June 29, 2010

Monday morning Tommy and I flew from Denver, CO to Charlotte, NC. Kyles Graduation from Ft. Jackson, SC Boot Camp was set for Thursday. My sister, Cheryl picked us up from the airport and we headed straight to my Mom's for dinner. She cooked a loin of pork, roasted potatoes, corn on the cob, salad, and bunch of other stuff, hot bread rolls and a wonderful dessert. It was delicious.

Later on that evening we received a phone which ultimately put Tommy back on a plane the following morning. There were problems with Sire that had to be addressed immediately. Essentially, Tommy flew in for dinner and left, but a good dinner at least.

The next day, Tuesday,  Mom and I drove down to Columbia, SC where Kyles base was. We had a hotel along with Kaitlyn and her Dad who drove up from FL. Wednesday morning came quick and it was family day. Finally, we get to see Kyle!

We arrived at the base before 0900 (9AM). LOL. They had us sit in bleachers while they made several announcements. Then  - out of nowhere  - they lit green and white smoke bombs all over the field. Through the smoke, from out of the woods, came all the soldiers. They had Toby Keith singing "I'm an American Soldier", blasting loud, and baby bombs going off everywhere. It was so amazing and so Patriotic it brought alot of civilians to tears. Including Kaitlyn and I. We were mush!

3rd from left 2nd from rear.
After leaving the woods the soldiers came into formation and stood 'at attention'. They were not permitted to 'at ease' or move from position until a family member came to get them. Finally, after several more announcements we were told to come down to the field and 'find our soldiers'. I was the first to find Kyle. And yes, I cried when I say him.

He has physically and mentally changed in the past 10 weeks. He is mature, respectful,  and extremely confident. His jaw line is strong along with his mental state. There is no one prouder of the man that he has become than dear old Mom. He looks wonderful!!!

We spent the day on base with Kyle because he was not permitted to leave. We bowled, played air hockey in which he totally cheated, lol. We played darts and pool, ate lunch and dinner with him. It was a long and exhausting day. We witnessed what they call 'toe the line'. It is a  head count done every evening before lights out. Basically, they line up stand at attention and count off. Each Platoon has a Drill Sergent that listens for all to be counted and finds out if anyone was AWAL. Afterwards, we said goodnight and left the base. It was close to  9:30pm. OOPPPSSS. 2130!!!

The next morning came even quicker. We once again hit the base and the field stands by 0900. All the soldiers marched into formation by platoons. There were 726 new soldiers in the United States ArmyUnfortunately during boot camp 3 soldiers passed away from pneumonia, 1 from suicide, and 1 went AWAL and was arrested. Kyle excelled!!! He is a sharpshooter, which is just below an expert marksman and was a leader of 14 men and 4 vehicles on several missions.

After several awards were given out and the 'soldiers creed' was orally chanted by the troops, they marched past us with great pride and perfect step. We then met up with Kyle again, signed him out and headed back to Charlotte. He was free.... but only for 24 hours.

We all hung out at my Mom's and BBQ'd. It was alot of fun and alot of food. The boys played whiffle ball and the dogs ran wild. It was a great day. Kyle clued us in on all the ins and outs of boot camp and the practical jokes played on each other.

Then Friday came. Not a good day for me. Kyle had to report in Ft. Lee, VA by 2400 (12 midnight).  After breakfast he, along with his Dad and sister hit the road. It is a 4 hour drive from Charlotte. Once there they found out that Kyle could not get an off base pass, nor could he have visitors on base. it was extremely disappointing.

He was processed and his cell phone and laptop were taken away. He was supposed to start AIT (Advanced Individual Training) on Tuesday, July 5th but was told that they are very backed up and it could be 3 full weeks before his classes will begin. With no cell phone and no Internet he will go nuts. He was placed in temporary barracks and the last I spoke with him, he was not a happy camper. So far he said he has enjoyed the experience of being in the ARMY. Not so much the getting yelled at 24/7 but the fact that he was pushed to continue on when he thought he could not.

It is now Saturday and Cheryl and I have spent the past 2 days running around, shopping, and going to the movies. We saw Bridesmaids today. Hysterical movie!!! Go see it! Tomorrow at noon I leave for Denver. I cant wait to see Tommy again. He, I and Kyle were all sad he couldn't share this with us but I have alot of pictures and video he will enjoy when I get back.
the "40" represents a saying - 40 rounds - It means good luck, see ya, best of everything!

We plane on spending another week in Steamboat with Mark and Susie and I will blog more from there. Happy 4th of July everyone. Thanks for reading.