Thursday, July 21, 2011

Buffalo, WY June 2011

 Buffalo, WY. Population: 4888. Elevation: 4645. Buffalo is nestled along the Big Horn Mountains.
This 12 1/2 yrs old when captured.

Monday we  took the Polaris' out on a trail. Elgin Park Trail head. It was not what any of us expected at all. The trails here in Buffalo are - in reality - dirt roads that any kind of vehicle can access. There is no character or challenge to them whatsoever. Most of the time we were dodging dust from oncoming traffic.

After several hours we found a dead end and stopped for lunch. Tommy pulled out his .22 and we all took shots at an empty beer can. (They were hard to come by, HA! HA!) Cathy and I tried to play ‘kick the can’. It’s not the kick the can I remember as a child. This was where you had to hit the can with a bullet and make it hop up the road. You would continue this until you run out of bullets. Who ever gets the can the furthest away, wins. Neither one of us made it move more than a foot. But it was fun.

On the way back, just as we were giving up on the trails, we ran into ‘Ranger Rick’.  His real name is Stanley.  He was very cordial and very beneficial, but his idea of trail riding was the same as everyone else’s in Buffalo.... Boring! After leaving Ranger Rick we headed home, cooked a good dinner, had a lot of laughs and decided the next day we would try something different.

Yesterday, Tommy, Jim, Cathy and I went to Crazy Women Canyon. It was a drive through park that was filled with beauty. Jim drove.
This was not planned...too funny!

Who knows how long this was lying there?

The first pull over we did was a stream that was running tremendously fast. Still having snow melt from the top of the mountains, the water was glacial.

Tommy, as customary, decided to cross the river, ‘Tommy style’. He had all of us a little apprehensive but he was unwavering in his choice. He made it look so uncomplicated. The balance and the instability was a lot harder than he made it appear, I'm sure.  I saw some kind of memorial on the other side of the river and he was adamant on reading it for me. Even when I zoomed in on the camera, we still could not make out the verbiage. Ultimately, it said blah, blah, blah for some girl named Gail. Lucky  girl that someone thought that much of her to place this monument.

Once Tommy was back on the side of sanity, we walked a bit more down stream and again, he felt the need to venture out across the river. This time, on an exceedingly skinny log that looked like it would rip apart any moment. Jim, Cathy, and I all watched with bated breath. Thank God, again, he was successful. Show off! LOL.

As we ventured down the path we came across these rocks that fell from the cliffs. They somehow angled themselves against each other and created a picture of unspeakable beauty. I hope the pictures depict what we witnessed.

The next day Tommy, Jim and I hiked along the Clear Creek River. It was soothing. A blabbering brook. We searched and searched to see if  there were fish in it but to no avail. We really want to go fishing but we could not find any anywhere.

We finally gave up and went back to pick up Cathy at the cabin and headed downtown for dinner.  Tomorrow we plan on going fishing. Thanks for reading.