Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kane Canyon Creek Trail

Saturday, June 11, 2011

We woke up at 8am and got with Gloria and Ivan to head into town for the county auction. They had a ton of old telephones and desks and even a road grader. Nothing of any use. But it was interesting and it got us up and out, early.

Afterwards. we went to the Moab Diner for breakfast, took a walk along the river and then headed back home.

Once home instead of jumping back in bed,which is what I really wanted to do, we took the Polaris out for a trail ride. We headed south (I think) to Kane Canyon Creek Trail. We did this trail last year and were on part of it last week. The thing with the trails around here is - they shoot out in so many different ways that you can literally spend a week on one trail and not see it all. So many little turn offs that go in all directions and go on for miles. It is very easy to get lost and with out a GPS to track us, I would not do it. There are no Mountain Lions or Bears out here, just coyotes and snakes but I can handle those, so being safe is not a concern. The sun is brutal  and sun block is applied numerous times throughout the day. Along with consuming gallons of water, and a Corona here and there! (We drink the beer so we have a target to shoot at!) Water bottle just don't seem to hold up!

picture frame arch

Which by the way, I destroyed Tommy's Coors Light bottle! BOOM! Straight through the middle of the label. He calls me Phoebe now. Phoebe is Annie Oakley's real name! My Corona bottle had little chance of survival also. It ended up in pieces. Tommy is still a better shot than me but if you consider that he has has 45 years of practice and was an Expert Marksman in the service, I think I do pretty darn good. He shoots with one hand, I shoot with two. As long as I know I can kill a bear or mountain lion I'm good with it all.

I totally forgot to put the battery back inside the camera yesterday. It was being charged overnight. So when I went to take my first picture, nothing happened. I was not a happy camper. I did, however, take some pictures of our day with my cell phone. They are not great but its all I have. Sorry. I'm going to try and sync my phone to upload the pictures. I hope it works and does not wipe out my IPOD. I have 5 days of music on it. Wish me luck.

someone left these guys...too funny!

We were on the trail for almost 4 hours and had a great day. Tommy cooked ribeyes for dinner along with grilled peppers - 3 different colors - they were awesome and we headed to bed early. The plan for today is to hit a winery and a ranch all in one. It sits on the Colorado river and looks to be amazing. Ill let you know.
this was the only shade spot all day!

Poof! Dead Center!

Thanks for reading and I hope the pictures come out okay.