Wednesday, August 31, 2011

picking blue berries

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This past 7 days that we have spent with Aunt Mary is completely unforgettable. I have treasured every day. We have run around and shopped, and ate, and laughed, and even got too emotional at times. It was special for both her and I.

We arrived in Corvallis, OR on Tuesday around dinner time. I called Aunt Mary to tell her we landed but were tired and needed to shower. We planned to get something to eat and go to bed early. We took the coast down from Washington and 150 miles took us almost 5 hours of twisting and turning roads. It was beautiful, but stressful. She explained that she waited by the phone all day. Not even going to throw her trash out - because she didn’t want to miss our call.

Needless to say, we showered and headed over to her house. She had a spread that could have feed an army! We stayed several hours and then headed back to camp.
the Oregon Coast

Yaquina Lighthouse

The next day, we started a full week of fun and laughs, and shopping, and eating, and exploring and drinking…and most of all…celebrating Aunt Mary’s 82nd Birthday!

Aunt Mary is my dad’s sister. The last of the Kane’s that I have contact with. She is so special to me. She is so much like me. We talked and talked about my dad and my childhood, and her life growing up. There were so many things I did not know. I got a lot of questions answered about my dad and now have a lot more clarity as to why I think, and say, and act in certain ways.  I learned SO much! I am overwhelmingly grateful to have spent this week with her.

One of the days we spent together we went blueberry picking. It was really nice to be together just her and I. We both pick an entire bucket load to freeze. YUM!!! We also went to a Farmer's Market, and an Art Street Fair.  

Two out of the 7 days Tommy stayed back and did ‘manly’ things to the camper. Aunt Mary and I ran all day. On the days Tommy joined us we went over the pass to the coast. We started in Newport and headed north from there. The Oregon coast is one of the most photographed coasts in the entire world. Most all pictures on calendars of coastal photography is of Oregon. It is exceptionally beautiful.

my new Christmas wish!
We toured the Yaquina lighthouse and the black rock beach. We ate lunch  at a local restaurant, watched the seals, looked for whales and shopped the souvenir stores. The day was wonderful!

The last full day with Aunt Mary we all played golf. The course is a par 3, which made Tommy and I happy since we are so bad we do not keep score. Aunt Mary held her own. She did better than us with our strokes divided in half. Lol. She amazes both Tommy and I with her endurance, stability, wit, sense of humor, and energy level. I hope to have half of hers when I'm 82.

dinner at Block 15
For her actual Birthday, the 28th, we told her to do what she wanted to do and not to entertain us, or take us where she thought we would like to see. (She was a great host and showed all over the town.)

She chose to go to a hot air balloon show for her day. We drove up to Albany where it was being held but we missed the balloons. They went up and landed before we arrived. They also had a corvair and corvette car show taking place at the same park. That was neat to see the old style of cars. I have put a 1959 convertible corvette on my Christmas list.
Afterwards, we went back to Aunt Mary’s and dug through old photos of her,  my dad, and other relatives I have never met. It was interesting to see who looks like who and the stories behind the pictures.
Aunt Mary's Bloody Mary
 For dinner she chose Chinese. I was ecstatic! Wahoo! Tommy never goes for Chinese so this was a treat for me too. Sushi! Sushi! Sushi! The waitress learned it was Aunt Mary’s birthday and they sang to her. It was nice of them and she enjoyed it.

Tommy had, earlier in the day, purchased a carrot cake and wonderful sentimental birthday card (I was impressed), so after stuffing our bellies at the restaurant we headed back to Aunt Marys and sang again. This time we did not eat the cake. We were full from dinner and didn’t  cut it until the following day.

are these trees not unbelievable?
We were planning on leaving Monday morning but extended our stay and extra day. We pulled out on Tuesday morning to a tearful goodbye. I will miss Aunt Mary an awful lot and I’m sure vise versa. Until we can visit again, I love you Aunt Mary and thanks so much for everything. (Including the beautiful Irish sweater!) xxooxx
Aunt Mary and!

Aunt Mary's Birthday Flowers!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011
the view from our kitchen
sooo many seagulls
can you see the mountain? it looks fake!

Friday morning I was up at 5:30am. I could NOT wait until we moved to Port Townsend. How it happened is; we took a drive on Tuesday to this little marina town, Port Townsend While there we stopped in at an RV park located on the tip of the island. It only has 23 spots and we were told the reservations are made at least a year in advance. Just as we were standing there the phone rang. There was a cancellation. It was like winning the lottery! Wahoo!!! We’ll take it. We booked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.

The way the sites are situated, (pretty close to each other), one spot would pull through facing North and the next to face the South. Again, we were prosperous, our spot faces South, which means when we open the back panel to the garage we have the most perfect view of water and boats and birds and Canada!


the floating circus

It could not be better if we planned it.  The soft sounds of the fog horn and the bells on the buoys are almost rhythmical and give you such a comfortably peaceful feeling. I am sure I am going to inundate you with pictures on this one

Point Wilson Lighthouse

Tsunami warning siren

Sire is loving the beachy area on his twice daily walks. He chases the seagulls and pulls every piece of wood he finds floating out of the water. He actually pulled out a dead tree. We were flabbergasted that he is really that strong. He was extremely proud of himself when he accomplished that feat!  


The cats are in awe of all the seagulls. They are sleeping by the windows and cant seem to get enough of the action. I don’t think any of us ever want to leave here, ever!

We have done so much while staying here, visiting Ft. Worden, going to a street festival and farmers market. Walking downtown and checking out all the specialty shops. Stopping along the docks and watching a floating circus, that came all the way from France. Eating at every single seafood place there is. Taking ferries back and forth to Seattle, Canada and other little islands.

Today we are heading over to Port Angeles. Its about 45 minutes from here and a lot of ferries to Victoria, BC leave from there.

Ill have to put today in another blog. Thanks for reading. Have a great Sunday!