Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Proud Mama

Proud Papa
Tommy giving Blood Wings
Proud Sister
Monday, October 31, 2011

Thursday morning Tommy and I hit the road for what we thought would be the final time this year. We were mistaken, we will  be on the road again very soon. Once to Homestead, FL for the final NASCAR race. And Secondly to Charlotte, NC for Thanksgiving.

This trip we voyaged in the direction of Fort Benning, GA. Kyle was graduating from Air Borne school and it was imperative to be there for him.  We arrived just previous to dinner time. We resided in the old barracks on the base that were rehabilitated into ‘hotel’ rooms. They were entirely restructured and are beautiful. They are  set up as mini suites, with a kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. Very, very charming. The cost was $45.00 a night. Excellent! (This was cheaper than some of the camp sites we stayed at during our trip out west).
Renovated Barracks

The astonishing thing about staying in these hotel rooms was the fact that 45 years ago Tommy lived in the same exact building while he served  in the ARMY. His old room was just a few doors away. Who would ever think you’d return to the place that help guide and mold your life choices. Ironic. It was pretty interesting for him to drive around base  - 45 years later -  and see the changes that were made, and to have complete freedom with no yelling in your face 24/7!
Much earned Red Barrette

The night before the graduation we all went out to dinner together. Kyle’s Dad and sister had driven up to the base a couple of days prior. We settled in at a sports bar on base. We played pool, watched the World Series game on big screen TV’s, and had a lot of laughs.
Special Forces Emblem
Best Friend Jackie got him good!
The following morning we proceeded to the field for the big ceremony. The weather was gorgeous. There was a light breeze, it was sunny and the temperature was a comfortable low 80 degrees, with no humidity.  We stopped at the vendors along the way and purchased several memorabilia items.
Right coin -LOG Warrior Hero Award
Left coin-special coin made in Kyles Honor.One made every 10 yrs.
To start things off Fort Benning had a demonstration of  4 jumpers land on an “X” in the middle of the ceremonial field. The were dead on! They were HALO (High Altitude Low Opening), jumpers and descended from 10K feet. HALO jumpers usually jump from 65K-75K feet. Yes, outer space.  In a typical HALO exercise, the parachutist will jump from the aircraft, free-fall for a period of time at terminal velocity, and open his parachute at an extremely low altitude. The combination of high downward speed, and forward air-speed, serves to defeat radar detection, enabling a stealthy insertion. They are equipped with oxygen and everything else they need to survive in any circumstance possible. Their motto is; ‘Death From Above‘. They are copiously trained and are an intricate part of warfare. To be a HALO jumper, you must first complete Air Borne school. Then Air Assault school. Air Assault School is a ten-day course of instruction that teaches Air Assault techniques such as repelling from a helicopter into enemy territory.  It's also one of the most physically challenging ten days in the Army. After graduation of Air Assault there is Path Finder school. The object of Path Finder school is to scout out safe, yet strategic, areas for ARMY personnel to invade and attack with the least amount of detection and the most effect possible.  Then, finally, be ‘asked’ to join the Green Barrettes. All of the above mentioned schools are privileges and you have to EARN ENTRY. You cannot simply just sign up.
jump training tower
 This is one of Kyle’s aspirations. To be a HALO jumper. His next feat, now after Air Borne, is Special Forces Unit in Fort Campbell, KY. He was asked to become part of this elite group and is very honored. We, of course, are full of pride! He is very humble about this and dislikes very much that I tell everyone about his accomplishments.
Medal = Distinguished Honors

The ceremony was wonderful. It only lasted approximately 30 minutes but was well orchestrated. I was allowed to actually pin Kyle with his well earned Air Borne Wings. They celebrate this action with what they call ‘blood wings’. One by one, family members are to punch the wings into the soldiers chest - therefore stabbing them - the soldier is to withstand this as many times as there are family members present. I did not enjoy that part, but everyone else seemed to love it. Except Kyle of course! LOL
second row from bottom - center

We arrived back home Friday late evening. It was a long, rainy ride. Over 1100 miles round trip.  We followed each other back for the most part. Saturday, Kaitlyn and I hit Costco. We had a BBQ in honor of Kyle’s achievements on Sunday and there was a lot to be done. Kyle had his choice of menu for his friends and I had mine for our friends. It was a lot of food but a lot of fun.

The weather was not cooperative by any means for us. It not only rained all day and night, it was torrential at times. We  had water recede behind the bar. All in all it was a success. I, the proud Mom, circulated Kyle’s medals to all our guests, to his disliking. Again,  he is very humble about his successes. This totally perplexes us because he is exceedingly confident within himself and sometimes is cocky about it. We love him anyway!  The ARMY really does change a person. LOL

He is now home with us for 10 days. We are extremely overjoyed to spend time with him. Especially his sister. She is over the moon that her baby brother is home.  Thanks so much for reading and for following our journey this year. I will be posting a final blog with a recap of our adventures shortly.

And thanks to ALL the men and women who serve our country and give us the ability to close our eyes at night to sleep safe and sound!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Butterfly - new

The Basketball - new to our team

Saturday, October 8, 2011
Keystone Cop - sold on 1st flight
Albuquerque is the Southwestern home to a colorful collection or art, culture and nature. It is abundant with affordability, accessiblility and authenticity. It is insirpired by Native American and Hispanic culture, diverse attractions for all ages, dramatic landscapes and and a mild, sunny climate ideal for year-round outdoor activities.

Wednesday we arrived in Albuquerque NM for the 40th annual Balloon Fiesta. We came here last year and became captivated. It is ‘The Greatest Show Off Earth!’

 The balloons launching area is the size of 54 football fields.
tick tock - new to my team
Wednesday night we had dinner at this awesome Mexican restaurant called El Pinto. The proprietorship is held by two brothers. The atmosphere is  exceptionally beautiful. They have 15 foot tall water falls throughout the establishment. The bar area sits close to 100 people. They have mariachi bands walking around, oh, and the margaritas? To die for!

Janeyl and Sire
We elected to find open seating in the bar area because the wait was over an hour to be seated in the restaurant. (Even though the dining room area serves 250). We settled in on a high top. Next to us was a party of 4, also at a high top. Soon after sitting, Tommy leaned over to the girl sitting at the table next door and inquired how the margaritas were. She was fully dressed in tattoos. Bleach blonde hair with black roots. She wore a biker tee shirt with skulls and bones on the back. She responded to Tommy, with his long, Jesus like hair style and scruffy, unshaven face with ‘Um they are good, here want a taste? She says this as she lifts her glass and offers it to Tommy. He says, no, no, I just was wondering if they were too sour. Her response; F@&* it, take it, try it, they’re good! AND HE DID!! Then he proceeded to hand me the glass for a taste. I was shocked he took a sip of her drink. I did not. We ordered are own. They were good, we each had a two.
back side of tick tock
Needless to say, we have made more friends. They were all from Denver and flew in on one of gentlemen’s private plane. He being the pilot. This gave Tommy and him plenty to talk about being Tommy is also a pilot. There was another couple along our new friend, Bethany and the pilot. We chatted all throughout dinner and shared appetizers, along with drinks. Tommy ordered frozen margaritas, and Bethany had on the rocks, so he and Bethany switched back and forth during the meal.  Bethany and I traded FB contacts and phone #’s. We continued to talk for the rest of their visit. They had rented an RV and were staying at the same park as us.  We invited them to come to FL anytime they could, and they reciprocated with us being invited to Denver, anytime. They were a lot of fun; we really had a good time with them. They flew back home on Friday morning.

Thursday, 5AM came quick. We headed over to the field where our crew was, and reacquainted ourselves again. This year they had 5 balloons to fly. 3 of them were brand new. The Farm Chicken was a repeat from last year along with the Scarecrow. The new ones were the Keystone Cop, Tick Toc, and the Basketball. I crewed on the Keystone Cop. Unfortunately a front was coming through and the winds were too high so we only tethered and did not fly. If the winds are higher that 5-6 mph it is unsafe to fly the special shape balloons.

One of the core reasons Albuquerque is chosen for this massive festival is because of its box winds, and weather. The box winds simply put mean that at certain levels of ascension, the winds change directions, therefore allowing you to guide your balloon in the direction you want to fly and land. They winds are consistent and the pilots love it. There are 550 registered balloons here this year. The weather this time of year is genuinely clear and beautiful.

Thursday night’s Glowdeo was cancelled because of the weather. It rained too heavily all day. Glowdeo is when all the balloonist tether down and light up all at once. It is outstanding. They did, however, shoot off fireworks.

Friday morning again we woke at 5AM watched the news for weather and again, the mass ascension was cancelled. The rain came through from the northwest and lasted until early Saturday morning. Which meant Friday night’s Glowdeo was also cancelled. We had the day off and were glad for it. We went out for breakfast around 7am, came back to the camper, and both went back to bed. We hung around the camper until dinner time. We found this local burger place called 5 star burgers. They were the best. Everything they serve in this area has chili peppers on it. The peppers incorporated themselves with the burgers and were scrumptious.  We ate at the bar and had a good time with the bartender. The chef came out and chatted with us for a while and we had a lot of laughs.

Saturday morning,  we woke up a little later - 6am. The weather is beautiful. Cold, but clear, sunny, and low winds. We bundled up and headed to the field. Because the grounds were saturated our pilots choose not to fly. The main reason being they have a balloon business in Brazil. They create and manufacture these special shape balloons back in Brazil. They bring them here, fly them, get exposure, and sell them. If they were to lay the balloons out on the grass they would get dirty and heavy from the mud. BTW, the Keystone Cop sold the first time up in flight.

this is what we woke up to Sunday morning
The average cost of a regular hot air balloon is $25k. A special shape balloon could cost up to $85k, depending on how much material is used and how complicated the pattern is. Last year Sponge Bob Squarepants sold for $80k and the Haunted House sold for $60k. The approximate cost per flight in fuel is $400-500 for an hour in the air. It is hobby not for the meek of means.

There will be a Glowdeo tonight but my crew will not participate in that either. They have an annual party on the Saturday night before the end of the festival. Which ends tomorrow. They never fly on the last day, Sunday, because they have a lot of people and a lot of equipment to prepare to fly back home. So we are done. We are actually relieved . W can go tonight and tomorrow as spectators and shoot tons of pictures. Im not sure how I will be able to choose which ones to use in the blog. There are so many new balloons this year. I love them all.

The Glowdeo was wonderful. We took Janeyl with us. She is my 4th cousin. My cousin Michelle lives in Rio Rancho which is suburb of Albuquerque. Janeyl is Michelle’s daughter. We also took her to Sade’s for dinner. Man oh Man, the only thing we ate was the sopapillas,(little puffy dough that is drizzled with honey), because everything was WAY too hot to ingest. We literally could not eat our meals.

A staple of Albuquerque's cuisine since Spanish colonist introduced it centuries ago, chile peppers are on the menu morning, noon and night. they do NOT exaggerate when they say they are HOT!!!

Sunday morning while lying in bed we heard whoosh, whoosh, whoosh and immediately knew what it was. There were balloons flying over our camper. We turned the coffee maker on and ran outside with the camera. Holy Crow!!! There must have been close to 300 balloons all around us.

In the middle of the RV park where we were staying, there is a 4-5 acre empty lot. It is left empty because it seems to be a popular spot for the pilots to land. We were ecstatic that we slept in (7am) and stayed at the camp site, as opposed to going over to the field. The show was colossal.

Sunday, the last day of the festival was the best  experienced this year. We have decided not to volunteer any longer and just be spectators from now on. It is so physically difficult to participate in the launching and chasing and we were relieved we had limited responsibility this year.

Sunday evening we met up with Michelle and her boyfriend Ray, along with another couple for dinner at the Olive Garden. We had a great meal and a lot of fun. It was wonderful to spend time with my cousin and her family and friends.

We will leave here Monday morning and head straight home. Stopping only if something intrigues us to stay. We are both looking very much so to getting home this year. We have moved around a lot more often than we did last year, and can’t wait to just stay put.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we did watching the balloons in flight. Thanks for reading.