Monday, June 27, 2011

A Week in Review

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Its been 10 days since I have blogged. Alot has happened and I have an enormous amount of pictures. I will break the blogs so you are not inundated. Where we were located we could not receive an Internet signal. Even with the Verizon Air Card. As of this past Wednesday we have arrived in Steamboat Springs, CO. The signal here is weak but at least we can access the web. I hope this blog works.

The first couple of pictures are of the new temporary housing unit, for all those who have not seen in it in person. I hope you can get an idea of what our traveling home is like. The part where the Polaris is (the garage) turns into a screened in patio when all the 'toys' are taken out. We use this room alot and the cats love to stare out the back screen all day.

After leaving Moab we headed to Grand Junction, CO. We stayed at a state park along the Colorado River. The first thing we were told when checking in was that they have seen two baby bear cubs roaming around looking for food and could not locate the mother. So beware! Great! I am starting to come to terms with these animals though, as long as I have Sire with me. He will warn me of anything lurking out there. He can smell them a mile away and stops dead in his tracks when he picks up a scent. I'm getting alittle better about it.

While at the park Tommy put a note and a dollar bill in a bottle and threw it in the river. The week prior we put 3 bottles in at Moab. We received 2 phones calls when they were found. We have not heard for my third one or Tommy's as of yet. The river is flowing at an incredible rate of speed. Kayak's and rafters are not permitted to ride for another week or so. The water levels are over all the banks because of the extreme snow melt. They have set records here this year and believe that some mountains will not melt at all this summer. 

While in Grand Junction I was sick for 3 days so we hung around camp and headed into town a couple of times. They have the weirdest street names I have ever seen before. Check out the pictures. Can you imagine telling a 5 or 6 year old to remember his address? Poor kid!

That's it for Grand Junction, not really alot to write about because I was under the weather. Next blog will be more interesting. Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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