Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sir Lancelot and the Cowboys

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Today was a day we were to take Sire on a hike. After thinking about it, we decided that taking him on this one trail that we enjoy, it would be better during the week when there are less people than on the weekends. So we went shopping instead. Yes, Tommy took me shopping. Just for silly little things we forgot to take from home and needed - like a picnic table cloth, lint roller, etc. Silly things, but necessary things.

We spent most of the afternoon running around because as nice and pretty as Moab is, there is no mall. Its all little Mom and Pop stores. Which is what actually makes it so nice.Theres no price comparison going on anywhere around here so if you find what you're looking for, you pay whatever it is they are asking. How much is a lint roller, you ask? $7.95!! Yup! The same one you can get at home at the Dollar Tree for a buck is almost $8 here. But when you live with a huge dog and 2 cats you pay the price.

Which leads me to my next little escapade.

Last night after the Rodeo,Tommy and I came home  grabbed a glass of wine and watched a movie called Tombstone. enjoyed it.  Especially being out west right now. After it was over and Sire needed to go out for the night, Sir Lancelot decided he wanted out too. He has been whining ALOT lately. (like Cruiser when the neighbors dog is in heat, lol). So Lance bolts out the door. I scream, NO! NO! NO! Too late, he is gone.

There are so many rabbits and cats and chipmunks and prairie dogs around here that Lance, my awesome hunter, will never stop chasing, and never come back. Meanwhile I doubt very much he even knows where to come back to. I'm frantic and because I screamed NO, Sire thought I was yelling at him as he is climbing the stairs to come back in and falls back. It was a mess. Finally Sire gets in and Tommy and I grab flashlights to find the cat.

At home, they, both Sir Lancelot and King Arthur, are outside all day from 6am till dinnertime and then back out until bed. They come in every single time we call them. Every time. No fail! We have an acre and a half so they have alot to explore.

I start calling Meow, Meow. (They think that is their names, lol.)...... Now you have to picture this. Its probably 11pm. Everyone goes to bed early because everyone plays hard all day when you are RV'ing. The sitting around the campfire doing nothing is only in the movies. Anyway, there is no light - anywhere. No street lights, no parking lot lights, no lights period. Pitch black. Walking around with a flashlight and peering under everyone's camper was so completely rude, but we had no choice. I had to get my baby back. Not only was I afraid of the other campers coming out to get me, but what was leerking underneath all the temporary housing units. But I continued on with my search.

Finally, I come back to our camper and sit on the outdoor rug by our picnic area and - you know that commercial where the husband asks the wife for more toilet paper and she throws it to him and it shaves his head? Well, that is what Sir Lancelot did to me, from behind. Scared the #$%$ out of me! (Remember, there are alot of open range animals around. No bears or Mountain lions though, at least not in the park). And  Poof, Lance is gone again!

He did the same thing to Tommy and I several more times as if to say, I know where you guys are, leave me alone, I'm exploring. Tommy got frustrated and said he was going in to bed. I couldn't leave him out all night. No way! But I was too scared to stay outside alone. Tommy finally decided to sit for a while with me after alot of whining on my part. Now King Arthur comes to the screen door. I start talking to him and scratching his head through the screen and BOOM, he comes Lance again! I grabbed his furry little ass and put him inside. Man, was he angry! All he did was whine and cry and whine and cry for an hour. But he is home and safe and we both slept better knowing that. It was pretty dramatic and I'm sure we will get some dirty looks from our neighbors this morning. The whole ordeal lasted at least 45 minutes.

Before the Lance episode Tommy and I stopped by Gloria and Ivan's for  a bit. We chatted a while and headed over to the Rodeo. There is an arena here in the park that annually hosts a rodeo. We went last year and enjoyed it so decided to go again. This year they did not have as many riders as last year. But this year 2 of the 8 bull riders made 8 seconds. Last year no one did. It was fun. I love the girls barrel racing.

Its now Sunday morning and the sun just came up. All is well in the animal world and Tommy is still sleeping. Wait until he tastes the coffee. Its horrible, lol. I just cant seem to make coffee, at all.

We have no plans today, just playing it by ear - and keeping a close eye on the doors and the cats. I hope everyone has a good day. Enjoy the pictures. Oh, the bull riding pictures are blurry because they kick so fast and my shutter couldn't keep up, sorry!

Thanks for reading!