Thursday, June 2, 2011

golden cont'd

Golden Colorado

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yesterday we arrived in Moab, UT. One of our favorite places in the United States. Gloria and Ivan were there to greet us and gave us the very same spot we had stayed in last year.

Before I start to tell you about CO and our trip here, I forgot to tell you pieces of our trip from Paducah, KY to Golden, CO. I am throwing in pictures of our journey of just the highlights.

The first place we passed after leaving Paducah was Metropolis. The home of Superman. He is everywhere in this town. Its fun to visit.

Next passed through St. Louis and the grand Arch. It stands 660 feet tall and over looks the city on one side and the Mississippi River on the other. It is impressive. They have a 'ride' you can take to the top for viewing. Under the arch is a Louis and Clark Museum. Very very interesting. Don't pass it by if you're ever in St. Louis.

We passed through Topeka, the capital of Kansas, Abilene (which is in almost every Western movie ever made).This is where Wild Bill Hickok became famous for attempting to maintain law and order.  It is also the boyhood home of Dwight Eisenhower.

We passed a million and one corn, soybean, and wheat fields. Kansas is not a flat state in which I was expecting. It has rolling hills and valleys and is actually very beautiful. Booorrrriiinnnggg but beautiful. It took 2 full days of driving all day to get through the state of Kansas.

As soon as we hit Golden, CO and checked into the RV park we were greeted by the local newstation, KUSA, channel 9, and Wil Ripley their reporter. They were concerned about the upcoming snow melt and the overflow of the banks of the river in which we were camping. The put mikes on us and followed us into the park. I was shocked that Tommy agreed to this. But he did - so we went for it.

The rest of the park goers had no idea what was going on except that we pulled in with a news crew following us. The neighbors all chipped in with advice and help to negotiate our parking spot and channel 9 interviewed us.

Tommy and I usually fight when pulling into a park because our unit is huge and sometimes it very tricky with the tree branches and other RVs. Our communication skills are lacking when I say turn right and he turns the wheels left. I was very apprehensive on being miked but they assured me they had a bleep button. LOL. I did good, not one curse!

The ironic thing is that when it was all said and done, they edited it to look completely different that how it all went down in reality. They were concerned about the rivers overflowing and I was concerned about the mountain lions. Hee. Hee. Here is the link if interested in watching. Its pretty funny!

So now, onto Golden.... incredible town. Its the home of Coors Beer. You know those little blue, temperature changing mountains you see on your beer bottles? Well, they are right there. Beautiful! Coors offers free self, guided tours all week long from 10-4 but because we were there on Memorial Day Weekend it was not open to the public. We missed out.

The Clear Creek River we were situated on was running very fast. It is a big draw for kayak's. Sire had some fun in it too.

We visited Red Rock Canyon. This park has a naturally formed amphitheater where big names perform. The venue this year was/is Moody Blues, Earth Wind and Fire, Ray LaMontagne, Willy Nelsons Country Throw down and so many more. Can you imagine sitting outdoors, early evening, with natural lighting, natural acoustics, surrounded by massive, gorgeous, red rock everywhere. I always thought the Jones Beach Theater (on Long Island) was pretty cool - but this is AMAZING!!!

Every Tuesday evening they have a movie playing and somewhere around 8-9 thousand people show up. They tailgate, climb the gazillion and one stairs and sit outside and watch a movie. It is so incredible. OH, and we learned a new form of Corn Hole. Its called Washers. Completely Red Neck! lol. For more information and hiking trails go to

We also visited Boulder. I liked Boulder, alot. Tommy, not so much! Its kinda Foo Foo but we spent the day there. The University of Colorado, Bolder is in town so there are alot of young people. Alot of them play instruments for money downtown in the out door shopping mall. We witnessed several young performers who were extremely talented.

The last thing i want to tell you about Golden is - you see the picture of the two barrels with wine bottles sitting on top of them? Well, guess what? YUP!!! I hit a bottle which caused a domino effect and all the bottle fell to the floor. I tried desperately to stop them but my reactions were too slow. Clink, clink, crash, aroma, on and on ....I was completely and utterly mortified. The ladies behind the counter said, 'no one has ever done that before'. Tommy just walked away, of course.

We left Golden Wednesday morning and drove to Moab, UT. We are in Moab now and today will be a day to get provisions and set up house. I apologize this is so long but I think now I am totally caught up. Enjoy the pictures and  Happy Summer!

Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave comments. (little modification to this, sorry, I have 58 pics and I cant load them all on one blog so I am going to blog again with just pictures). Thanks.